The ABCDs of Paxos

Replicated state machines

Consensus: a set of processes decide on an input value

Paxos asynchronous consensus algorithm

AP   Abstract Paxos:     generic, non-local version

CP    Classic Paxos:       stopping failures, compare-and-swap
                                      1989: Lamport, Liskov and Oki

DP   Disk Paxos:           stopping failures, read-write
                                      1999: Gafni and Lamport

BP    Byzantine Paxos:  arbitrary failures
                                      1999: Castro and Liskov


The paper is at

Replicated State Machines

Lamport 1978: Time, clocks and the ordering of events …

Cast your problem as a deterministic state machine

Takes client input requests for state transitions, called steps

Performs the steps

Returns the output to the client.

Make n copies or ‘replicas’ of the state machine.

Use consensus to feed all the replicas the same inputs.


Steps must be deterministic, local to replica, atomic (use transactions)

Recover by replaying the steps (like transactions)

Even a read needs a step, unless the result is “as of step n”.


Applications of RSM

Reliable, available data storage system

Airplane flight control

Reflexive: Changing quorums of the consensus algorithm


Issuing a lease:

A lock on part of the state that times out, hence is fault tolerant

Leaseholder can work on its state without consensus

Like any lock, a lease can have modes or be hierarchical

The Idea of Paxos

A sequence of views; get a decision quorum in one of them.

Each view v chooses an anchored value cv: equals any earlier decision.

If a quorum accepts the choice, decision!

Decision is irrevocable, may  be invisible, but is any later view’s choice.
Choice    is changeable, must be visible

Design Methodology

·     Communicate only stable predicates: once true always true

·     Structure program as a set of atomic actions

·     Make actions as non-deterministic as possible: weakest guards

Allows more freedom for the implementation

Makes it clear what is essential

·     Separate safety, liveness, and performance

Safety first, then strengthen guards for liveness and scheduling

·     Abstraction functions and simulation proofs


Subscripts and superscripts for function arguments: rva for r(v, a)

State functions used like variables

Actions described like this:



    State change


cv = nil Ù x Î anchorv

cv := x


Failure Model

A set M of processes (machines)

A faulty process can send arbitrary messages: F m

A stopped process does nothing: S m

A failed process is faulty or stopped. Failure doesn’t lose state.

Limits on failure:

ZF  = set of sets of processes that can all be faulty

ZS   = set of sets of processes that can all be stopped

ZFS = set of sets of processes that can all be failed


Fail-stop: n processes,   ZF={}, ZS=ZFS=any set of size < (n+1)/2

Byzantine: n processes, ZF    =   ZS=ZFS=any set of size < (n+1)/3

Intel-Microsoft: nI + nM processes, ZF=any subset of one side

Quorums and Predicates

Quorum: monotonic set of sets of processes: q in Þ any superset in.

Predicates g. Predicates on processes G, so Gm is a predicate.

A stable predicate once true remains true.


A predicate G holds in a quorum Q: Q#G = {| Gm Ú Fm} Î Q

Shorthand: Q[rv*=x] for Q#(λ m | rvm = x).

A good quorum is not all faulty: Q~F = {q | q Ï ZF}

Q and Q exclusive: Q quorum for G Þ no Q quorum for its negation.

Means q Ç qÎ Q~F for any two quorums. Ex: size > (n + f )/2

Lifts local exclusion G1 Þ ~G2 to global: Q#G1 Þ ~Q#G2

Q+: ensures Q even after failures: q+ – zFS Î Q for any q+, zFS

A live quorum has Q+ {}


type X         =                                  ...         values to decide on

var    d          : (X È {nil})  := nil     Decision

          input    : set X := {}




   State change



    input := input  È {x}

Decision: X


ret d





d = nil Ù  x Î input

d := x


The Idea of Paxos

A sequence of views; get a decision quorum in one of them.

Each view v chooses an anchored value cv: equals any earlier decision.

If a quorum accepts the choice, decision!

Decision is irrevocable, may  be invisible, but is any later view’s choice.
Choice    is changeable, must be visible

Abstract Paxos­—AP: State


Non-local        Agents                                State functions                        View is

                                                                        rv      d

cv               1:   rv1               
1                Qdec[rv*=x]           x       x             decided


input          2:   rv2               

                                            Qout[rv*=out]        out    nil                 out

activev       3:   rv3               

                                            else                      nil     nil                        open

AP: Data Flow

                                                to later views


rua=nil  Closev   xÎanchorv   Choosev   cv  Acceptv   rv=cv            Finishv      da=rv

            rua:=out                       cv:=x           rva:=cv         da:=rv

             for u < v   

                                                   Each value is nil or = the previous one

Client  INPUT x    xÎinput




cv      rva        rvb      rvc

 cv     rva        rvb      rvc

View 1

View 2

View 3   

7        7       out      out

8        8       out      out

9      out      out      9 

8       8        out     out

9       9        out     9

9       out     out     9

input Ç  anchor4

= {7, 8, 9} seeing a, b, c
Ê{8}          seeing a, b
Ê{9}          seeing a, c or b, c

  {9} no matter what
        quorum we see


Two runs of AP with

agents a, b, c,

two agents in a quorum,

input  = {7, 8, 9}



invariant  rv = x Ù ru = x Þ x = x

all results agree

=  " x, u | rv = x Ù ru = x Þ x = x    

=  rv = x Þ (" u < v, xx | ~ Qdec[ru*=x])

Ü rv = x Þ (" u < v | cu = x Ú Qout[ru*Î{x,out}])     

assume u<v

rua Î {x, out} Þ ~(rua = x)


sfunc anchorv 


    {x | (" u < v |                   cu = x Ú Qout[ru*Î{x,out}])}



    {x | (" w | v0 w < u Þ cw = x Ú Qout[rw*Î{x,out}])}
Ç {x |                                   cu = x Ú Qout[ru*Î{x,out}]}
Ç {x | (" w | u0 < w < v Þ cw = x Ú Qout[rw*Î{x,out}])}

= anchoru


= X if outu,v


{x | cu = x} È (anchoru Ç         {x  |  Qout[ru*Î{x,out}]})

if outu,v

cu Îanchoru


if outu,v Ù rua = x then {x} elseif outv0,v then X else {}


      where outu,v = (" w | u < w < v Þ rw = out)

AP: Algorithm


u<v too slow

→activev := true




for all u < v do
if  rua = nil
then rua := out

post u<v Þ rua ≠ nil

  anchorv = {x | cu = x} È (anchoru Ç {x  |  Qout[ru*Î{x,out}]}) if outu,v


anchorv {}

→no state change



   cva = nil
Ù x Î input Ç anchorv

→cv := x



   rva = nil
Ù cv nil

→rva := cv; Closeva



rv ÎX

da  := rv



AP: Liveness

Choose must see an element of input Ç anchorv.

Recall anchorv


{x | cu = x} È (anchoru Ç {x  |  Qout[ru*Î{x,out}]})



if outu,v Ù rua = x then {x} elseif outv0,v then X else {}


After Closeva, an OK agent a has rua nil for all u < v.

So if Qout is live, we see either u < v is out, or rua = x for some OK a.

But rua = cu Î input Ç anchoru

If we know a is OK, then rua is what we want

With faults (in BP), we might not know. But if anchoru is visible, that is enough.



Fixed-size agent state:

rwa=           don’t know     xlasta        out               nil
|                                |                       |

view   v0                           vXlasta               vlasta


Successive steps:

Because anchorv doesn’t depend on input, can compute it for lots of steps at once.

This is called a view change

One view change is enough for any number of steps

Can batch steps with one Paxos/batch.

Can run steps in parallel, subject to external consistency.

Disk Paxos—DP

The goal—Replace the conditional writes in Close and Accept with simple writes.


 rva = nil Ù cv nil

rva := cv; Closeva


The idea­—Replace rva with rxva and rova.


cv nil

rxva := cv; Closeva




for all u < v do roua:= out


Proof: Keep rva as a history variable. Abstract it to AP’s rva.

This invariant makes it work (sometimes with an extra view).

rxva =


rova =







= nil





= out





= x





≠ nil


A process has knowledge T of stable non-local facts

g@m = (Tm Þ g)

We transmit these facts (note that transmitter k may be failed):


g@k Ù OKm

→Tm := Tm Ù (g@k Ú Fk)

post (g@k Ú Fk)@m

A faulty k can transmit anything:


Fk     Ù OKm

→Tm := Tm Ù (g@k Ú Fk)

post (g@k Ú Fk)@m

A fact known to a Q~F+ quorum is henceforth known to a Q~F quorum of OK agents, and therefore eventually known to everyone.


Q~F+#g Ù OKm

→Tm := Tm Ù g

post g@m


Implement Transmitk,m by sending messages. It’s fair if k is OK.
This works because the facts are stable.

Classic Paxos­—CP

The goal—Tolerate stopped processes

The idea—Agents are the same as in AP. Use a primary process to:

Implement Choose

Compute an estimate rev of rv

Relay facts among the agents

Do all the scheduling.

So the primary sends activev to agents to enable Closev, collects ra, computes anchor, gets inputs, does Choose, sends cp to agents, collects ra again to compute rev, and broadcasts d.


    activep Ù cp = nil
Ù x Î inputp Ç anchorp

→cp := x



Must have only one cp per view. Get this with

At most one primary per view

Primary chooses at most once per view

AP and CP

Primary:     Relay         Choose cv                Estimate rv

Byzantine Paxos—BP

The goal—Tolerate faulty processes

The idea—To get one cv, a self-exclusive quorum Qch must choose it

Still have a primary to propose cv; an OK agent only chooses this

A faulty primary can stop its view from deciding

Every agent needs an estimate ceva of cv and an estimate reva of rv

Invariant: The estimates either are nil or equal the true values.

Every agent also needs its own inputa


cv    = if 


then x

else nil



ceva = if


then x

else nil



anchorva =

anchoru Ç {x | Qout[ru*Î{x,out}]@a}

if outu,va


anchorvp =

{x | Q~F+[xÎanchorv*]@p}


CP and BP


Liveness of BP

Choose must see an element of input Ç anchorv.

Recall  anchorv Ê anchoru Ç {x  |  Qout[ru*Î{x,out}]}

After Closeva, an OK agent a has rua nil for all u < v.

So if Qout is live, we see either u < v is out, or rua = x for some OK a.

But rua = cu Î input Ç anchoru

Unfortunately, we don’t know whether a is OK.

But we do have Qch[cu*=x], hence Qch[(x Î anchoru)@a]

So if Qch is live, x Î anchoru is broadcast, which is enough.

So either we eventually see all previous views out, or we see Πanchoru and all views between u and v out.


A faulty client can wreck a view by not sending input to all agents.


Paxos is a practical protocol for fault-tolerant asynchronous consensus.

Paxos is efficient in replicated state machines, which are the best mechanism for most fault-tolerant systems.

Paxos works in a sequence of views,

Each view chooses a value and then seeks a decision quorum.

A later view chooses any possible earlier decision

Abstract Paxos chooses a consensus value non-locally, and then decides by local actions of the agents.

The agents are read-modify-write memories.

Disk Paxos generalizes this to read-write memories.

Classic Paxos uses a primary process to choose.

Byzantine Paxos uses a primary to propose, a quorum to choose.